Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Big Girl

Kate is growing and changing everyday. She has mastered crawling and loves to cruise around the house. Below are a few pics of "big girl" Kate!

When Kate crawls and stops her legs do this move....I call it the cheerleader hurkey!
Kate is also starting to eat more solid foods...be sure and take note of the food in her hair.
Kate is pulling up on anything she can get her hands on...here she is picking out a book before bedtime!

This is one of Kate's favorite toys....she loves the music and lights!


  1. Oh my goodness, how did this happen!! She is getting SO big! And SOOO cute! I can't believe your little one is so very mobile these days, it just doesn't seem possible. I can't wait to see her again....hopefully soon!

  2. Oh how I love that little girl! Kate is such a little sweetheart and I am so glad I get to love on her and help take care of her during the week, it is truly my privilege. Love the post and can't wait to see her feed herself at my house with Stella hovering and waiting for her to drop food.

  3. Is she standing?! What a big girl! Camille, weren't you a cheerleader? You can teach her some more moves! We need to take another pic of her and the boys on Monday - I want to post of pic of her on our blog.
