Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Summer Time...a little of this and that

The first half of our Summer has been busy with spending times with friends, family and of course some pool time. Below are a few of the highlights!

Michael and Kate catching some sun...

Kate and Jackson enjoying their lunch by the pool!

Kate loved the baby goats at the local petting zoo!
Michael's parents celebrated their 40th Anniversary this summer and we celebrated with them by hosting dinner at our house.
I love this pic...Kate with her parents and all four grandparents!
Kate racing her buddy Graham down the slide!
Helping Uncle Matt cook dinner
Hanging out with cousin Cole after lunch at Fritzes!
Not the best pic.....but Kate loved cruising around with Finely in this truck!
Our paths were able to cross with the Gotchers....we were so excited to meet Graham and Gibson!
We also got to see the Clendenens....here Kate is playing with Landon and Lawson before bed time!

Kate loves black beans....but what a mess! We were glad we ate outside, another favorite of ours during the summer!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how much Kate has grown! Such a cutie!
